Win family passes to Funderland, Limerick

Funderland returns to Limerick with the spectacular new 'Star Flyer'.

Funderland is possibly the largest travelling Amusement Park event in Europe. Our venues feature Rollercoasters and as many as fifteen different thrilling attractions carefully selected from among the top attractions in Europe.

There are always a host of attractions that are sure to appease even the most seasoned thrill seekers who dare to be suspended upside down, turned over or whisked through the air. We don't neglect our younger thrill seekers either. We always have an extensive selection of Juvenile attractions for young children to enjoy.

Attractions include Dumbo, Take-Off, Frisbee, Jungle River, Bounce World, Magic Cirkus and much more.

We have some free family passes (2+2) to giveaway with unlimited wristbands for hours of fun for all the family.


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